Presentations / Invited Talks


Invited Talks
  1. Delivered an Invited Expert Lecture on, "Image and Video Forensic", in Short Term Course on “Information and Communication Technology”, Organized by University Grants Commission Human Resource Development Centre Mizoram University, Mizoram, India, on September 9th, 2023.    Certificate

  2. Delivered an Invited Expert Lecture on, "Recent Trends and Research Opportunities in Engineering and Technology", in Faculty Development Program, Jointly Organized by Department of Electrical Engineering and Department of Electrical and computer Engineering, Techno college of Engineering Agartala, Tripura, India. During July 10th-14th, 2023.   Leaflet Certificate


Invited Talks
  1. Delivered an Invited Talk entitled, "Online Education in computer science for remote areas", in WEBINAR : Distance and Online Education in the backdrop of COVID-19 : Issues and Challenges, Regional computer lab, Agartala regional centre, Indira Gandhi National Open University, Agartala-799004, Tripura (W), India, July 19th-20th, 2020.

  2. Delivered an Invited Talk entitled, "Computer Vision in Degraded Atmospheric/ Weather Conditions", in International Web Conference on Advance Research in Science, Humanities and Social Science (IWCARSHSS 2020), Organized by Department of Applied Mathematics, Maharaja Bir Bikram University, Agartala-799004, Tripura (W), India, July 09th-10th, 2020.


  1. Presented a poster entitled, "Segmentation of Knee Thermograms For Detecting Inflammation", in the International Conference on 26th International Conference on Image Processing, Organized by IEEE Signal Processing Society, Taipei, Taiwan 22-25 September 2019.

  2. Presented a poster entitled, "TU-VDN: Tripura University Video Dataset At Night Time In Degraded Atmospheric Outdoor Conditions For Moving Object Detection", in the International Conference on 26th International Conference on Image Processing, Organized by IEEE Signal Processing Society, Taipei, Taiwan 22-25 September 2019.


  1. Presented an Oral Paper entitled, "Nucleus Region Segmentation Towards Cervical Cancer Screening Using AGMC-TU Pap-Smear Dataset", in the International Conference on Pattern Recognition and Artificial Intelligence ( PRAI ), Sponsored by Kean University,Union,NJ,USA 15-17 August 2018.

  2. Presented a poster entitled, "A Ground Truth Annotated Video Dataset for Moving Object Detection in Degraded Atmospheric Outdoor Scenes", in the International Conference on 25th International Conference on Image Processing, Organized by IEEE Signal Processing Society, Athence, Greece 07-10 october 2018.


  1. Presented an Oral Paper entitled, " Standardization of Infrared Breast Thermogram Acquisition Protocols and Abnormality Analysis of Breast Thermograms", in SPIE International Symposium on Commercial + Scientific Sensing and Imaging, Organized by SPIE, in Baltimore Convention Center Baltimore, MD, United States, April 17-21, 2016(with a International Travel Grant from SERB,DST,Govt of India).

  2. Presented an Oral Paper entitled, " Pain Related Inflammation Analysis using Infrared Images" in SPIE International Symposium on Commercial + Scientific Sensing and Imaging, Organized by SPIE, in Baltimore Convention Center Baltimore, MD, United States, April 17-21, 2016(with a International Travel Grant from SERB,DST,Govt of India).


Invited Talks
  1. Presented a lecture as a Resource Person on " Importance of Image Analysis in Bioinformatics" in three days training program on "Current Approaches and Applications of Bioinformatics in Life Science" Organized by Bioinformatics Centre of College of Fisheries, Central Agricultural University (CAU), Lembucherra, Tripura, 27th -29th January, 2015.

  1. Presented an Oral Paper entitled, " An Approach for Automatic Pain Detection through Facial Expression" in 7th International Conference on Intelligent Human Computer Interaction (IHCI 2015), Organized by Indian Institute of Information Technology(IIIT), Allahabad, India, December 14-16, 2015.


Invited Talks
  1. Invited as a Resource Person for chairing a session in national seminar on " E-resources and E-learning, Challenges and Opportunities for Students" Organized by Department of Information Technology, Bir Bikram Memorial College, Agartala-799004, in Collaboration with: The Institute of Engineers (India), Tripura State Centre, Sponsored by: North-Eastern Regional Office (NERO), UGC, Guwahati, 26th -27th July, 2014.

  1. Presented an Oral Paper entitled, " Facial Mole Detection: An Approach towards Face Identification" in International Conference on Information and Communication Technologies (ICICT 2014), Organized by School of Engineering, Cochin University of Science and Technology, Kerala, India, December 3-5, 2014.


  1. Presented an Oral Paper entitled," Automatic Eye Detection using Fast Corner Detector of North-East Indian (NEI) Face Images" in 1st International Conference on Computational Intelligence: Modelling, Techniques and Applications (CIMTA- 2013), Organized by Department of Computer Engineering, University of Kalyani, Kolkata, India, September 27-28, 2013.


  1. Presented an Oral Paper entitled," Performance Evaluation through KICA and Feature level Fusion for Human Face Recognition" in International Conference on Artificial Intelligence and Soft Computing (AISC 2012), Organized by Department of Computer Engineering, Indian Institute of Technology (BHU) Varanasi, Varanasi, India, December 7-9, 2012.


  1. Presented an Oral Paper entitled," Facial Expression Invariant Person Recognition using Feature level Fusion of Visual and Thermal Images" in World Congress on Information and Communication Technologies (WICT-2011), University of Mumbai, Kalina Campus, December 11-14, 2011.

  2. Presented an Oral Paper entitled," Classification of Thermal Face Images using Radial Basis Function Neural Network” and “Independent Component Analysis (ICA) of fused Wavelet Coefficients of thermal and visual images for human face recognition " in SPIE Defense, Security, and Sensing 2011, (Track of Infrared Technology and Applications, Conference 8012), in Orlando World Center Marriott Resort & Convention Center, Orlando, Florida, USA, April 2011(with a International Travel Grant from AICTE,Govt of India).

  3. Presented an Oral Paper entitled," Polar Fusion Technique Analysis for Evaluating the Performances of Image Fusion of Thermal and Visual Images for Human Face Recognition " in IEEE Workshop on Computational Intelligence in Biometrics and Identity Management, Paris, France-75013, April 2011(with a International Travel grant from Tripura University(A Central University)).


Invited Talks
  1. Presented a lecture as a Resource Person on "Cybercrime: Its Effects and Remedy" to the newly recruited Tripura Civil Service (TCS–Gr-II) Officers, at the State Institute of Public Administration and Rural Development (SIPARD), A.D. Nagar, Agartala, Tripura, March 2010.

  1. Presented a poster on "Information Fusion of Thermal and Visual Faces for Facial Expression and Pose Recognition using Log-ICA Algorithm" at the 7th International Summer School for Advanced Studies on Biometrics for Secure Authentication: Forensics, Security and Remote Identification, Alghero, Italy, June 2010(with a International Travel Grant from SERB DST ,Govt. of India).


  1. Presented an Oral Paper entitled," Classification of fused images using Radial basis function Neural Network for Human Face Recognition " at The World congress on Nature and Biologically Inspired Computing (NaBIC-09), Coimbatore, December 2009.

  2. Presented an Oral Paper entitled," Classification of Fused Face Images using Multilayer Perceptron Neural Network " International Conference on Rough sets, Fuzzy sets and Soft Computing, Dept. of Mathematics, Tripura University, November 2009.

  3. Presented an Oral Paper entitled," Human face recognition using line features " at National Seminar in Recent Advances on Information Technology (RAIT-2009) organized by Computer Science & Engineering Dept, Indian School of Mines University(ISM), Dhanbad, on February 2009.


  1. Presented an Oral Paper entitled," Classification of Log Polar- Thermal Eigenfaces using Multilayer Perceptron for Human face recognition " at The 3rd IEEE Conference on Industrial and Information Systems (ICIIS-2008), IIT Kharagpur, December 2008.

  2. Presented an Oral Paper entitled," Topological change in artificial neural network for human face recognition " at National Seminar on Recent Development in Mathematics & its Application, organized by Dept of Mathematics. Tripura University, on November 2008.

  3. Presented an Oral Paper entitled," Classification of Log Polar Visual Eigenfaces using Multilayer Perceptron " at The 2nd International Conference on Soft computing (ICSC-2008), IET, Alwar, Rajasthan, November 2008.


  1. Presented an Oral Paper entitled," Artificial Neural Network as a soft computing tool- a case study" National Seminar on Fuzzy Mathematics and its Applications, Organized by Tripura Mathematical Society & School of IT & Computer Science, Tripura University, on November 2006.

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Last Updated on: 12-09-2023 02:16:34 PM

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