Biometrics Laboratory

Biometrics Lab has started its journey from 27th January,2009 which was funded by DIT, MCIT(MeitY) and Govt. of India.The research scholars have been working on this field for the last six years and also learning and gaining experience in this domain.During the research period, the research scholars have studied several aspects and characteristics of the human face for emerging those facial features in today's information security system.


1. One(1) Rack max 4U Server (HP/DL580) with 2.13GHz Intel Xeon Quad Core processor.
2. One(1) Dell Studio XPS 1640 Laptop, with 2.40GHz 789 MHz Intel Core 2 Duo processor with 4GB physical memory.
3. Three(3) HP Compac desktop computers with 2.80GHz, 3.00GHz, 2.66GHz Core 2 Duo processors and 2GB, 2GB, 1GB physical memory respectively.
4. RTG005-USB connected FPGA and Power PC Image Processing System.
5. Sony Make Camera Link Camera, Monochrome, universal power supply with 4mm Mega Pixel Lens, Mini 26 pin camera link connector.
6. Flir T650sc Infrared Thermal Imaging Camera of 640 x 480 IR Resolution with thermal sensitivity <30mK@30 degree centigrade.
7. One no of HP Z420 Workstation with 3.7 GHz speed. 8. One no of high performance desktop computer of HP Pavilion 21-a256 in All-in-one-desktop PC.
9. One no of high performance laptop of model-HP-15-D004tu Notebook PC.
10. One 6 KVA Online UPS. 11. Two nos. of color photo printer, Model No- HP Photo Smart Ink Advantage 6525 e-All-in-one printer.
12. One Dell Workstation with Quad-Core Xeon E3-1225,3.10 GHZ, 6M,L3 2GT16GB 1333MHz non-ECC memory in 4 DIMM slots, Intel C206 chipset and 1TB SATA.
13. NIKON D5100 VR KIT Camera with accessories of Simplex Pro23 (3 Nos.),65X65 Double Diffuser soft box(3 No’s), Synchronized cable (3 No’s), Power Cable (3 No’s), Safety Cap (3 No’s), Screen-BG-4 Heavy Duty with kig bag, Modeling Bulb (100 Watt), Simplex Flash Radio Trigger, ML-3(Infrared Multitrigger), Tripod (Camera Stand) (5 NOs).
14. FLIR E60 Thermo-vision camera with Digital camera flash, built in laser.
15. One NVIDIA TITAN Xp graphics Card,with GPU Architecture Pascal,Frame Buffer 12 GB G5X,Memory Speed 11.4 Gbps,Boost Clock 1582 MHz.


On 4th March 2014, Smt. Priya Saha, Research Scholar of Biometrics Laboratory, Department of Computer Science and Engineering has been selected for DST INSPIRE fellowship from the Department of Science & Technology, Govt. of India, as she secured the top position in M.Tech (CSE) in 2013 and was awarded with Gold Medal at l0th convocation of Tripura University on June 20, 2014. Currently she is pursuing Ph.D. in the Subject line "Studies on Facial Expression" from Department of Computer Science and Engineering, Tripura University (A Central University). IF NO : IF131067


DeitY-TU Face Database

The human face is considered as the most salient feature for biometric identification compared to other biometric features such as finger geometry, iris, retina, signature, keystroke, etc., as it can also be acquired without the person’s knowledge. It continues to be the most popular and fast growing research area of computer vision and machine learning.In recent years, the development of different face image databases has greatly increased. Some of these databases have been designed for the specific needs of the algorithm under development. Here, various databases have been reviewed based on key features such as number of subjects, total number of images available in the database, conditions under which the images were taken, resolution, image type, i.e., whether the image is visual or thermal; whether the image is color or gray level image, etc.

DeitY-TU visual face database, which is being created in the Biometrics Laboratory at the Department of Computer Science and Engineering of Tripura University (TU), India, under a project with a grant from the Department of Electronics and Information Technology (DeitY), Ministry of Communications and InformationTechnology,Government of India. It contains 524 individuals’ face images under a controlled environment. These individuals cover the different tribe and nontribe people of the northeastern states of India. The database contains a total of eight expressions, including neutral expression,closedeye,and six basic expressions; four different types of illumination variations; and images with glasses, and each of these variations are being clicked concurrently from five different angles to provide pose variations.

Sample Images of DeitY-TU Dataset









Closed Eye



Full Illumination

Half Illumination

Left Light On

Right Light On.jpg



[1] Mrinal Kanti Bhowmik, Kankan Saha, Priya Saha, Debotosh Bhattacharjee, "DeitY-TU face database: its design, multiple camera capturing, characteristics, and evaluation", Journal of Optical Engineering, Vol. 53, No.10, published by SPIE Digital Library, Indexed by Science Citation Index (SCI), pp: 102106-1 to24, Oct. 2014, ISSN: 0091-3286, Impact Factor- 1.082.   Download

Sl. No. Name of The Project Sponsored By/ Amount of Grant Whether Started/ Whether Completed Number of Scholars Were Associated
1. DEVELOPMENT OF TECHNIQUES FOR HUMAN FACE BASED ONLINE AUTHENTICATION SYSTEM, PHASE–1 Sponsored By: Department of Electronics and Information Technology (DeitY), Now MeitY (Ministry of Electronics and Information Technology), Government of India.

Amount of Grant: Rs. 32 Lakhs
Period: 18 Months
Whether started: 27th January, 2009
Whether completed: 31st July, 2010
Research Associate: 1
Research Assistant:2
2. CREATION OF A VISUAL FACE DATABASE OF NORTH-EASTERN PEOPLE & IMPLEMENTATION OF TECHNIQUES FOR FACE IDENTIFICATION Sponsored By: Department of Electronics and Information Technology (DeitY), Now MeitY (Ministry of Electronics and Information Technology), Government of India.

Amount of Grant: Rs. 50.40 Lakhs
Period: 3 Years (6 Months Extended)
Whether started: 29th March, 2011
Whether completed: 30th September, 2014
Research Scholar: 1
Research Assistant: 2
Project Assistant: 1

The SAMEER-TU Outdoor Database is being created in the Infrared Image Processing Laboratory of Department of Computer Science & Engineering of Tripura University (TU), India, under a project with grant from the Society of Applied Microwave Electronics Engineering & Research (SAMEER), R & D Lab of Dept. of Electronics & Information Technology (DeitY), Ministry of Communications & Information Technology, Government of India. The SAMEER-TU Outdoor database consists of around 5640 natural scenes images in different weather and illumination conditions, out of which 1020 images are captured in foggy condition, 250 images in poor illumination condition and 4370 images in normal condition. The images in outdoor environment are mainly influenced by two factors-Weather effect and Illumination effect. Weather effects normally occurs in presence of fog, mist, haze etc. which results in poor visibility due to which the degraded image lose the contrast and color fidelity of the scene. Based on visibility parameter obtained per hour from the meteorological department, the weather effect is classified into high dense Fog and Low dense Fog. While Illumination effect is normally caused due to the variation in intensity of sunlight in different times of the day. All those natural scene images are captured by NIKON D5100 and FLIR E60 in outdoor environment after 15 minutes interval from 6 am to 6 pm in alternate 5 days from the month of January to March of the year 2014. During capturing those images, the temperature ranges from 10 degree centigrade to 24 degree centigrade, humidity ranges from 95% to 100%, dew point ranges from 10 degree centigrade to 15 degree centigrade, wind speed ranges from 1mph to 3.5 mph and visibility ranges from 0 km to 1 km.

Sample Images of SAMEER-TU Dataset

Natural Scene Images and Their Corresponding Thermal Images from SAMEER-TU Database.

Face Images and Their Corresponding Thermal Images of SAMEER-TU Dataset


[1] Kakali Das, Mrinal Kanti Bhowmik, Barin Kumar De, “Background Subtraction Algorithm For Moving Object Detection Using SAMEER-TU Dataset”, Proceedings of 4th International Conference on Soft computing for Problem Solving (‘SOCPROS’ 2014), published by Springer, Vol. 1, pp. 279-291, 2014, ISBN: 978-81-322-2216-3 (print), 978-81-322-2217-0 (online).

Sl. No. Name of The Project Sponsored By/ Amount of Grant Whether Started/ Whether Completed Number of Scholars Were Associated
1. DEVELOPMENT OF THERMOGRAPHY INFRASTRUCTURE FACILITY FOR SECURITY & NAVIGATION SYSTEM Sponsored By: Society for Applied Microwave Electronics Engineering and Research (SAMEER), IIT Bombay Campus, Powai, Mumbai - 400076.

Amount of Grant: Rs. 11.48 Lakhs
Period: 12 Months
Whether Started: 22nd March, 2012
Whether completed: 21st March, 2013
Research Scholar: 1

A workshop was organized by the Biometrics Laboratory of Department of Computer Science and Engineering, Tripura University (A Central University) sponsored by Society for Applied Microwave Electronics Engineering & Research (SAMEER), HT, Powai Campus, Mumbai, on "Activities of Society for Applied Microwave Electronics Engineering & Research in Emerging Fields of Computer & Electronics Science & Engineering". In this connection Prof. Anjan Kumar Ghosh, Vice Chancellor, Tripura University, Prof. Dipak Ranjan Poddar, Emeritus Professor, Jadavpur University and Dr. A.L Das, Director, SAMEER also visited Biometrics Laboratory.

Smiley face

Mrs. Priya Saha
Former DST - INSPIRE Fellow

Current Status: Assistant Professor, Department of Computer Science and Engineering, Lovely Professional University, LPU, Jalandhar-Delhi Road, Punjab-144411, India

Smiley face

Mrs. Tannistha Pal
Part Time Scholar

Current Status: Assistant Professor, Department of Computer Science and Engineering, NIT Agartala, Tripura.

Smiley face

Mr. Goutam Majumder
Former Research Associate

Current Status: Assistant Professor, Department of Computer Science and Engineering, Lovely Professional University, LPU, Jalandhar-Delhi Road, Punjab-144411, India

Smiley face

Mr. Kankan Saha
Former Research Assistant

Current Status: Assistant Professor, Dept. of Computer Science and Engineering, Techno College of Engineering Agartala, Tripura

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