Happy to Share that one of my Patent has been Granted by The Patent office, Government of India on 01/July/2024.
I am currently an Associate Professor (Academic Level 13A/ Stage-IV) in the Computer Science and Engineering Department at Tripura University heading the Computer Vision Lab. I received both my Bachelor of Engineering (B.E.) degree (with Distinction) and Master of Technology (M.Tech.) degree in Computer Science and Engineering from Tripura Engineering College, Govt. of Tripura, in 2004 and Tripura University (A Central University), in 2007 respectively. I earned my Ph.D. degree in Engineering from Jadavpur University, Kolkata, in April, 2014 under the joint Supervision of Emeritus Prof. Dipak Kumar Basu, Humboldt Fellow (1989-90), and Prof. Debotosh Bhattacharjee. I also spent Fall 2022 as a DST-SERB International Research Experience Scholar with SIRE Fellowship, Govt. of India at the NYU Center for Cybersecurity (CCS), Tandon School of Engineering, New York University, New York City. During my Post-Ph.D. SERB International Research Experience, I was extremely fortunate to be guided by Emeritus Professor Nasir Memon in Digital Image and Video /Multimedia Forensics, Cyber Thread Modelling.
My research interests are in robust semantic localization of small objects in degraded day and night Vision under different adversial weather/atmospheric conditions, with Scene Classification for security and surveillance applications.
I also have significant interest in inflammation detection of joint/skin surface of Arthritis MRI, USG, infrared Imaging and early breast IR based abnormality region understanding with both theoretical and practical System design.
More recently, we have been working in shot learning with domain adaptation, in applications to various multimedia forensics Problems in visual and IR Videos. Some of our recent works include Thread Modeling using deepfakes with GANs.
From 7th Jan, 2008 to 14th July, 2010, I served as Lecturer on contract in Computer Science & Engineering Department of Tripura University and since 15th July, 2010, serving as an Assistant Professor in the same department. Some of my research works are published in IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems for Video Technology (Impact Factor: 5.859), IEEE Journal of Biomedical & Health Informatics (IF: 5.772), IEEE Transactions on Medical Imaging (IF: 11.037), Expert Systems with Applications (Elsevier, IF: 8.665), Image and Vision Computing (Elsevier, IF: 3.860),Physical and Engineering Sciences in Medicine (Springer, IF: 7.099), Biocybernetics and Biomedical Engineering (Elsevier, IF: 5.687), Infrared Physics and Technology (IF: 2.638), IET Image Processing (IET, IF: 1.773), Journal of Visual Communication and Image Representation (Elsevier, IF: 2.678) and Computer Vision and Image Understanding (Elsevier, IF: 4.886), Neural Computing and Applications (Springer, IF: 5.102), IEEE Transactions on Instrumentation and Measurement (IEEE, IF: 5.6), IEEE Transactions on AgriFood Electronics, IEEE Transactions on Computational Social Systemst (IEEE, IF: 4.5), Neurocomputing (Elsevier, IF: 5.5) and IEEE Transactions on Artificial Intelligence, etc.
Some of my research papers are also published in Tier-2 Conference Proceedings such as 25th IEEE International Conference on Image Processing, ICIP 2018, Athens, Greece, 26th IEEE ICIP 2019, Taipei, Taiwan, 28th ICIP 2021, Anchorage, Alaska, USA and 31st ICIP 2024, Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates.
I handled about Rs. 2.50 Crores of external research grants from various government agencies like MeitY, DBT, ICMR, DRDO, SAMEER, SERB etc. Till date, I successfully completed Six research projects.
Completed Funded Projects:
- MeitY Funded Project with budget outlay of Rs.32 Lakhs [Duration: 27th January, 2009 to 31st July, 2010] (As a PI).
- MeitY Funded Project with budget outlay of Rs.50.40 Lakhs respectively [Duration: 29th March, 2011 to 30th September, 2014] (As a PI).
- SAMEER Funded Project, IIT Bombay Campus, Mumbai with budget outlay of Rs.11.48 Lakhs [Duration: 22nd March, 2012 to 21st March, 2013] (As a PI).
- DBT Twining Project in collaboration with Jadavpur University (JU) with budget outlay of Rs.64.28 Lakhs [Duration: 3rd March, 2014 to 2nd September, 2017] (As a PI).
- NYIT's Institutional Support for Research and Creativity (ISRC) Funded Project with budget outlay of $4,914 [Duration: 9th January, 2017 to 31st August, 2018] (As a Co-PI).
- ICMR Funded Project with budget outlay of Rs.11.06 Lakhs [Duration: 1st July, 2017 to 30th June, 2019] (As a PI).
- DRDO Funded Project in collaboration with JU with budget outlay of Rs.64.77 Lakhs [Duration: 8th June, 2018 to 7th June, 2021] (As a PI)
Ongoing Funded Projects:
- DBT Project in collaboration with JU and AIIMS-New Delhi with budget outlay of Rs. 60.89 Lakhs [Duration: 23rd March, 2022 to 22nd March, 2025] (As a PI).
- ICMR Project in collaboration with AIIMS-New Delhi with budget outlay of Rs. 12.68 Lakhs [Duration: 25th March, 2023 to 24th March, 2026] (As a Co-PI).
Patents Granted:
- System and Method for Detecting Object in Adverse Atmosphere by Restoring Degraded Image in Deep Convolutional Layer, Granted on 01/07/2024.
- A system and method for segmenting suspicious hyperthermic regions from breast thermograms, Granted on 28/11/2024.
Besides, for presenting my research works, I also received several international travel grants from various government agencies like Science and Engineering Research Board (SERB), All India Council for Technical Council (AICTE), SERC Division: ITS Section of Department of Science & Technology (DST), Council of Scientific and Industrial Research (CSIR), Centre for Co-operation in Science & Technology among Developing Societies (CCSTDS) etc.
I awarded for Short Term Indian Council of Medical Research (ICMR)-Department of Health Research (DHR) International Fellowship 2019-2020 as a Senior Indian Biomedical Scientists for bilateral cooperation in cross-disciplinary research area (i.e. biomedical diagnostic and inferencing system). I supervised Master’s thesis of 39 master students till 2023.
Currently, guiding Four Ph.D. scholars and Seven Research Scholars are already awarded.
Ph.D Awarded During the Period of Assistant Professor:
Shawli Bardhan
Ph.D Fellowship Grant:
- - SRF of DBT Funded Project
Thesis Title: “Analysis of IR Images for Detection of Inflammatory Knee Joint Diseases”
Awarded on: 19th November, 2019
Journal Publications: 03 SCI/ SCIE Indexed Journals:
- Biocybernetics and Biomedical Engineering (Elsevier, IF: 6.4)
- Physical and Engineering Sciences in Medicine (Springer, IF: 4.4)
- Quantitative InfraRed Thermography (Taylor and Francis Online; IF: 2.5)
Former Affiliation:
Guest Faculty, School of Computing, IIIT-UNA, Himachal Pradesh.
Current Affiliation:
Assoc. Prof., Dept. of CSE, TCEA, Agartala, Tripura (W).
Usha Rani Gogoi
Ph.D Fellowship Grant:
Thesis Title: “Analysis of Infrared Breast Thermograms for Abnormality Detection”
Awarded on: 10th September, 2020
Co-Supervisor: Prof. Anjan Kumar Ghosh, Former Vice Chancellor of Tripura University (A Central University)
Journal Publications: 04 SCI/ SCIE Indexed Journals:
- IEEE Journal of Biomedical and Health Informatics (IEEE, IF: 7.7)
- Physical and Engineering Sciences in Medicine (Springer, IF: 4.4)
- Quantitative InfraRed Thermography (Taylor and Francis Online; IF: 2.5)
- Infrared Physics & Technology (Elsevier, IF: 3.3)
Former Affiliation:
Asst. Prof., Dept. of CSE, VIT-AP University, Amaravati.
Current Affiliation:
Asst. Prof., Dept. of CSE, The Neotia University, Kolkata, West Bengal.
Kakali Das
Ph.D Fellowship Grant:
- - SRF of ICMR Funded Project
Thesis Title: “Prediction of Health Abnormalities using Thermal Images”
Awarded on: 20th January, 2021
Co-Supervisor: Prof. Barin Kumar De (Rtd.), Department. of Physics, Tripura University (A Central University)
Journal Publications: 02 SCI/ SCIE Indexed Journals:
- Physical and Engineering Sciences in Medicine (Springer, IF: 4.4)
- Infrared Physics & Technology (Elsevier, IF: 3.3)
Former Affiliation:
Asst. Prof., Dept. of CSE, K L University, Hyderabad, India.
Current Affiliation:
Asst. Prof., Dept. of CSE, GITAM School of Technology Hyderabad Campus, Hyderabad, India.
Anu Singha
Ph.D Fellowship Grant:
- - SRF of DRDO Funded Project
Thesis Title: “Moving Object Detection in Night Vision”
Awarded on: 22nd April, 2021
Journal Publications: 01 IEEE Transaction & 01 SCI/ SCIE Indexed Journal:
- IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems for Video Technology (IEEE, IF: 8.4)
- Neural Computing and Applications(Springer, IF: 6.0)
Former Affiliation:
Asst. Prof., Dept. of CSE, SRM Institute of Science and Technology, Delhi-NCR, Gaziabad.
Current Affiliation:
Asst. Prof., Dept. of CSE, MIT World Peace University, Maharashtra, India.
Tannistha Pal
Ph.D Fellowship Grant:
Thesis Title: “Enhancement of Poor Visibility”
Awarded on: 3rd August, 2021
Journal Publications: 01 SCI/ SCIE Indexed Journal:
- Multimedia Tools and Applications (Springer, IF: 3.6)
Current Affiliation:
Asst. Prof. (Contractual), Dept. of CSE, NIT, Agartala, India, [NIRF Ranking-91 on 2023].
Rajib Debnath
Ph.D Fellowship Grant:
- - JRF of DRDO Funded Project
Thesis Title: “Detection of Weapon along with Profile in Video”
Awarded on: 8th March, 2022
Journal Publications: 02 SCI/ SCIE Indexed Journals:
- Neurocomputing (Elsevier, IF: 5.5)
- Journal of Visual Communication and Image Representation (Elsevier, IF: 2.259)
- IET Image Processing(IET Digital Library, IF: 1.773)
Former Affiliation:
Asst. Prof., Dept. of CSE, K L University, Hyderabad, India.
Current Affiliation:
Asst. Prof., Dept. of CSE, GITAM School of Technology Hyderabad Campus, Hyderabad, India.
Ph.D Awarded During the Period of Associate Professor:
Sourav Dey Roy
Ph.D Fellowship Grant:
- - JRF of DRDO Funded Project
- - CSIR SRF (Direct)
Thesis Title: “Moving Object Detection in Degraded Atmospheric Conditions”
Awarded on: 10th April, 2024
Journal Publications: 02 IEEE Transactions & 01 SCI Indexed Journal:
- IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems for Video Technology (IEEE, IF: 8.4)
- IEEE Transactions on Instrumentation and Measurement (IEEE, IF: 5.6)
- Computer Vision and Image Understanding, Elsevier (Elsevier, IF: 4.5)
Current Affiliation:
Research Associate (RA), Dept. of CSE, Tripura University (A Central University), India.
Thesis Submitted During the Period of Associate Professor:
Dipak Hrishi Das
Ph.D Fellowship Grant:
- - Visvesvaraya Part Time Ph.D Fellow
Thesis Title: “Study and Development of IR Image Analysis Techniques for Bruise Detection in the Application of Apple Harvesting.”
Awarded on: 19th February, 2025
Journal Publications: 01 IEEE Transactions & 01 Scopus Indexed Journal:
- IEEE Transactions on AgriFood Electronics.
- Innovations in Systems and Software Engineering (Springer, IF: 1.1)
Current Affiliation:
Assistant Professor, General Degree College, Govt. of Tripura, India.
I served as an active reviewer of many well renowned Journals. Some of them are IEEE TIP, IEEE JBHI, SPIE JEI, PES Springer, IET Biometrics, IET Image processing, SPIE JEI, IEEE TCSVT, IEEE TSMCS, IEEE Access, IEEE TIFS, Knowledge-Based Systems Elsevier, Computers in Biology and Medicine Elsevier, CMIG Elsevier, Neural Computing & Applications Springer.
Also served as an IEEE Senior member (10th Sept, 2016), a member of SPIE, ACM. For attending international conferences, I made international visits to Florida USA; Kean University, New Jersey; NYU CCS, NYIT Manhattan, Italy and Athens, Taipei, Paris etc. My research interests include Computer Vision, Medical Imaging, Cyber Security, etc.